Jagdish Purohit gave a five-point memorandum to Union Minister Anurag Thakur in the interest of media

Action towards media is the need of the hour

Jagdish Purohit gave a five-point memorandum to Union Minister Anurag Thakur in the interest of media

Mumbai, 13 December

India Press Group chief Jagdish Purohit thanked Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur for passing the Press and Magazine Registration Bill-2023, which changes the British-era law governing the publishing industry and simplifies the process of registration of newspapers and magazines. Giving a five-point demand letter in the broader interest of print, electronic and digital media.

In his memorandum, Shri Purohit said that the Corona transition period has had a wide impact on the media, newspapers and journalists. Many people are struggling hard even to meet their daily basic needs, hence concrete measures are needed to help them. Ultimately, the need of the hour is for the government to provide financial assistance to all the journalists/photographers/media personnel/publication staff who lost their lives or jobs due to Corona.

Describing the government’s move as positive in the memorandum, Mr Purohit said it was the need of the hour to change the British law that curbs the publishing industry. In the memorandum, Shri Purohit gave many suggestions in the larger interest of print, electronic and digital media.

In the memorandum, he urged to start BRN (Broadcasting Registration Number) online and made circulation figures mandatory from GST e-way bill for newspapers/printers. He said that all advertisements for print, electronic and digital media should be issued by the Central Bureau of Communications (CBC) keeping an eye on their circulation.