Mohalla Aliganj in Gaya City Endures Severe Power Outages Amid Extreme Summer Heat

Gaya City, May 30, 2024

As Gaya City swelters under an intense summer heatwave, the residents of Mohalla Aliganj are facing compounded misery due to an ailing electric supply system. The community is enduring frequent and prolonged power outages, leaving them without relief during the hottest days of the year. Despite numerous complaints, there has been no response from the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) and the Junior Engineer assigned to the area.

The electric infrastructure in Mohalla Aliganj is in an abysmal state, characterized by frequent power outages, fluctuating voltage, and aged, poorly maintained equipment. This has not only inconvenienced residents but has also affected local businesses and essential services. “We experience power cuts almost daily, sometimes for hours on end. It has become impossible to plan our daily activities,” said, a local resident.

Efforts to reach the SDO and the Junior Engineer have proven futile, leaving the community feeling neglected and unheard. “We have lodged multiple complaints with the authorities, but there has been no response or action taken to address the issues,” lamented, another resident.

The situation has particularly affected students preparing for exams, small business owners who rely on electricity for their livelihoods, and patients dependent on electrically powered medical equipment. “Our shop’s refrigeration system fails frequently, causing significant losses. We can’t continue like this,” said, a local shop owner.

The deteriorating infrastructure is evident, with many electric poles leaning precariously, exposed wiring posing serious safety hazards, and transformers that often break down under the slightest strain. “The infrastructure is in absolute poor condition. It seems like it hasn’t been maintained for decades,” an aged man in the area commented.

With no relief in sight, the residents of Mohalla Aliganj are demanding immediate action from higher authorities. They call for a comprehensive overhaul of the electric infrastructure and accountability from the local electric department officials. “We need the government to intervene and solve this crisis. We can’t continue to live like this,” said, a local media person.

The situation in Mohalla Aliganj highlights the urgent need for improved infrastructure and responsive governance to meet the basic needs of its citizens, especially during extreme weather conditions. As the heatwave continues, the community’s plea for help becomes increasingly desperate.

For now, the residents remain hopeful that their cries for assistance will be heard and that swift action will be taken to restore reliable electricity and alleviate their suffering.